Wednesday, April 2, 2014

आजकल केही मान्छे / Nowadays Some People

आजकल केही मान्छे रातझैँ Nowadays some people have become
सुनसान अनि कालो भएका छन्  dark like a silent night
छोपिएको तिरस्कृत बस्तुझैँ They have turned into cobweb
माकुराको जालो भएका छन्  like a hidden and neglected object
आफ्नै वजनले थिचिएर Crushed by their own burden
लुलो भएका छन्  they have become frail
माटोबाट टुक्राटुक्राभई अलग्गिएको Like dust separated from ground and shattered into pieces
सबले कुल्चने धुलो भएका छन्  they get trampled by everyone
फुललाई च्यातेर हजार पल्ट Tearing flowers thousands of times
ढुँगालाई पुज्ने भएका छन्  they offer prayers to stone
यथार्थबाट बेदखल सिद्धान्तमा In theories detached from reality
हरदम रुझ्ने भएका छन्  they keep themselves drenched
आजकल केही मान्छे सोचको काखा Nowadays some people have become intimate with thoughts
तर मुटुको पाखा भएका छन् but unfriendly with heart
आफुले आफैलाई नदेख्ने They have become a clueless eye
निर्बोध आँखा भएका छन् that does not see itself

1 comment:

  1. ramro chha sathi.. esp yo line,

    फुललाई च्यातेर हजार पल्ट Tearing flowers thousands of times
    ढुँगालाई पुज्ने भएका छन् they offer prayers to stone
