Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why are we getting busier and busier?

To be frank, I do not have any new answer that is not out there somewhere. I believe we are getting busier and busier every day because we are all becoming more and more materialistic. We need many things and services to enhance our sense of self. Some of which, we genuinely need, but a sizable portion of it, we can do away with.

Only if we were all less materialistic, we could just be working 30 hours a week or even less and still manage to have the things essential for us. It is not unknown that there are countries and cultures that are perfectly functional and advancing even with less work hours. They have a better social dynamic that values leisure, family time,  and social time over the individual materialistic ambitions. They have social norms that are more favorable for people to be relaxed.

This is not in any way to say that work is bad, work is great joy if it is done with passion. However, many of us also may have experienced that sometimes there is not just enough time to pursue hobbies, passions, social life, and endeavors of tranquility. Why is our life so hectic? Can we change it? Can one change it? The answer is Yes. However, one needs a lot of conviction to do it alone. It helps when close ones support and helps further if everyone around keeps similar attitude.

What will happen if what is going on goes on? You may be fine, if you inherited a lot of wealth that you do not need to worry about being busy to meet your needs. That is, only as long as your needs are in the range that your wealth can handle. You may also be fine, if you have a  natural state that desires only basic requirements of life no matter what the world thinks. Otherwise, our lives will become even busier. Everyone will have to work harder and harder. The bar will get higher and  higher for future generations.

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